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Estes Park Wool Market, June 6 & 7 @ Estes Park, CO

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  • Fleece for Sale

    BFL x CVM #1998

    Original price was: $30.00.Current price is: $25.00. Select options

    This is a Blue Faced Leicester crossed with a California Variegated Mutant or BFL x CVM. It is a white fleece with quite a bit of yolk. It would be very interesting if overdyed. This fleece takes its crimp and non-descript lock structure from the CVM and has the hand of a BFL. We would describe it as soft to medium in fineness, excellent for socks. The locks are 4 to 5-inches in length.

  • Fleece For Sale

    BFL x CVM x Bond #23170

    $46.00$81.00 Read more

    A creamy white crossbreed with energized, BFL-style locks measuring 6″ in length. This fleece has a medium to soft hand and will be next to skin soft for most people. Simply a delectable fleece.

  • Fleece For Sale

    BFL x Teeswater x Corriedale x Lincoln x CVM #22113

    $22.00$131.00 Read more

    This 5-breed cross is the result of a BFL x Teeswater ram and Corriendale x Lincoln x CVM ewe. The 6″ long locks have a medium to soft hand and more energy than one would typically expect from locks that long. The fleece is mostly dark gray and black, with some dark brown right at the tips. The locks are occassionally indistinct, and though the tips open easily, the only thing bad we can say about this fleece is the unique lock structure does seem to trap a small amount of dirt and vegetable right at the tips – though it will clean up easily in the fiber prep stage. Overall, this is a fun and quite a unique fleece.

  • Fleece for Sale

    BFL x Teeswater x CVM #2146

    $44.00$78.00 Select options

    A fun crossbreed with 6+ inch long locks. Bright white with distinct locks that are both curly and wavy, and the medium-soft hand you would expect from a crossbreed that is 50% CVM.

  • Fleece for Sale

    BFL x Wensleydale #2191

    $39.00$129.00 Select options

    A stunning, six-inch-long, creamy white crossbreed. This fleece has curly, energized locks like one would expect from a BFL, but with the easy to open tips and relatively soft hand of a Wensleydale.

  • Fleece For Sale

    BFL x Wensleydale x CVM #23178

    $14.00$79.00 Read more

    Grab your shades and take a peep at this lustery, bright white fleece. Its big, thick locks measure six inches and longer with wavy crimp. The hand is medium to soft. This would be a fun fleece to spin straight from the lock once the tips are open.

  • Fleece for Sale

    CVM x Cotswold x BFL # 20123

    $34.00$112.00 Select options

    This cross of CVM, Cotswold and BFL produced a white fleece with 5 ½-inch locks. The locks have the structure of a BFL. The BFL and the Cotswold contributed length and some sheen. The CVM contributed the softness. This is a lamb fleece with a little tenderness in the tips. A pass through a lockpop or a flicker will remove the tender tips.

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