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Estes Park Wool Market, June 6 & 7 @ Estes Park, CO

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  • Fleece For Sale

    BFL x Teeswater x Corriedale x Lincoln x CVM #22113

    $22.00$131.00 Read more

    This 5-breed cross is the result of a BFL x Teeswater ram and Corriendale x Lincoln x CVM ewe. The 6″ long locks have a medium to soft hand and more energy than one would typically expect from locks that long. The fleece is mostly dark gray and black, with some dark brown right at the tips. The locks are occassionally indistinct, and though the tips open easily, the only thing bad we can say about this fleece is the unique lock structure does seem to trap a small amount of dirt and vegetable right at the tips – though it will clean up easily in the fiber prep stage. Overall, this is a fun and quite a unique fleece.

  • GCF Imperfect

    Imperfect Rambouillet x Columbia #422216

    $23.00 Read more

    This interesting crossbreed results in a medium to soft hand with locks measuring four to five inches in length. Unfortunately, this fleece summers from two maladies: it is tender and has more vegetbale matter than we allow in Good Clean Fiber. The tender nature of this fleece may make it difficult to remove all of the VM. Sold in one pound increments.

  • Fleece for Sale

    Leicester x Corriedale x Lincoln x Cotswold x CVM #27

    $23.00$135.00 Select options

    A rare 5-way crossbreed in which a purebred Leicester Longwool was bred with a sheep that was equal parts Corriedale, Lincoln, Cotswold, and CVM. The result is a 5″ long staple with a hand that isn’t soft but also isn’t too coarse. This would be a good fleece for a sweater or socks.

  • Fleece for Sale

    Romney X #22085

    $41.00$136.00 Select options

    A Romney crossbreed of unknown breeding. The 5″ locks and softer-than-Romney hand indicate some Corriedale influence. Black with brown tips, this coated fleece is highly skirted and extremely clean.

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