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Estes Park Wool Market, June 6 & 7 @ Estes Park, CO

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GCF Imperfect

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  • Fleece for Sale

    Imperfect Border Leicester #22289

    $68.00 Add to cart

    A white 4.5″ Border Leicester that is tender throughout most of the fleece. There is little to no VM in this one. Sold as a whole fleece at 3.0 pounds.

  • Fleece for Sale

    Imperfect Gulf Coast Native #421004

    $84.00 Add to cart

    A Gulf Coast Native fleece from the same flock that we sourced the fiber for our 2021 4th Quarter SE2SE club installment. This fleece, however, has both a little more vegetable matter than the fiber we used in the club, as well as a break right in the middle of the lock. At just 3.5 inches in length, that leaves less than 2″ in both of the broken halves; this fleece is most likely suited best for felting due to the short length of the resulting fibers. Sold as a whole 3.75 pound fleece.

  • GCF Imperfect

    Imperfect Icelandic #423193

    $42.00 Add to cart

    A white, black, and gray Icelandic fleece with 5″ thel and tog that measures as much as 10″ in length. This portion of the fleece has some matting in the soft thel which may be unuseable (the tog is just fine though), so it is in our Imperfect category. Sold as one 12 ounce portion.

  • Fleece for Sale

    Imperfect Jacob #423101

    $50.00 Add to cart

    A white and dark gray Jacob fleece with 3″ locks and a medium hand. We found a few tender spots in this fleece and decided to relegate the whole thing to our Imperfect category, though much of it is likely sound. Sold as a whole fleece weighing 1.5 pounds.

  • Fleece for Sale

    Imperfect Lincoln #422068

    $36.00 Add to cart

    A white Lincoln with locks measuring 7″ and longer. This fleece unfortunately has some vegetable matter, and the locks feel a bit crispy in some parts. There’s good fleece here, you just have to work for it. Sold in increments of one pound.

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