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Estes Park Wool Market, June 6 & 7 @ Estes Park, CO

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  • Fleece for Sale

    Corriedale #2323

    $33.00$109.00 Select options

    A white Corriedale with bold, distinct, french-fry locks measuring five to six inches in length. The locks in this fleece practically open by themselves, and could easily be spun from the lock after using a flicker or Lock Pop.

  • Fleece for Sale

    Corriedale x Lincoln x Cotswold x CVM #1813

    $31.00$54.00 Select options

    Multi-colored brown and white crossbreed fleece with 5.5” locks that gets its length from its Cotswold and Lincoln heritage. Crimp on this fleece resembles a mix of Corriedale and CVM, as all four breeds had an influence on the outcome of this gorgeous fleece.

  • Fleece for Sale

    Corriedale x Lincoln x CVM x Cotswold #153

    $23.00$76.00 Select options

    An interesting 4-way cross, Dark Moorit (brown) in color with lighter tips. Inconsistent in length and crimp, with the length varying from 4 to 6 inches. Feels slightly coarser than Corriedale and would probably make a great pair of socks.

  • Fleece for Sale

    Leicester x Corriedale x Lincoln x Cotswold x CVM #27

    $23.00$135.00 Select options

    A rare 5-way crossbreed in which a purebred Leicester Longwool was bred with a sheep that was equal parts Corriedale, Lincoln, Cotswold, and CVM. The result is a 5″ long staple with a hand that isn’t soft but also isn’t too coarse. This would be a good fleece for a sweater or socks.

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