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Estes Park Wool Market, June 6 & 7 @ Estes Park, CO

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  • Fleece for Sale

    Border Leicester Lamb #21150

    $16.00$87.00 Select options

    Is curlalicious a word? We feel like it should be, and you will too when you see the delicious curlicue tips of this Border Leicester lamb fleece. The locks are five to six inches in length and range from deep brown to chocolate to dark tan in color. As a lamb fleece, this has a softer than usual hand for the breed and is soft enough for next to skin for most people.

  • Fleece for Sale

    CVM x Cotswold x BFL Lamb #20150

    $66.00 Select options

    A white crossbreed with clearly defined, 4.5″ long locks that taper to a tell-tale lamb curlicue. This fleece exhibits a little bit of all three of its breeds, and the end product is essentially a crimpy BFL with a softer than normal hand.

  • Fleece for Sale

    Merino Crossbreed #2199

    $19.00$109.00 Select options

    A bright white Merino Crossbred measuring 5″ in length. The thin locks have high energy and a combination of wavy and curly crimp. As we do not know this fleece’s progeny (other than Merino) and it looks and feels like a Merino with a little extra length, we have simply listed it as a Merino Crossbreed.

  • Fleece for Sale

    Merino Crossbreed #22313

    $20.00$121.00 Select options

    A chocolate brown Merino Crossbreed measuring 3.5 to 4 inches in length. This fleece has a very soft hand a good sproing, or snapback in the locks. There is some light variegation in the color, with hints of light gray and blonde throughout, though it would be hard to define this fleece as anything other than chocolate brown. As we do not know this fleece’s progeny (other than Merino) and it looks and feels like a Merino, we have listed it as simply a Merino Crossbreed.

  • Fleece for Sale

    Romney x Columbia #233

    $31.00$58.00 Select options

    A chocolate and dark brown fleece that is a rather unique crossbreed. The result is 3-4″ long locks that have a soft to medium hand that open and process rather easily. This is a lamb fleece, so the tips are tender in places and will break off in the fiber prep stage.

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