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Estes Park Wool Market, June 6 & 7 @ Estes Park, CO

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  • Fleece for Sale

    BFL x Border Leicester x CVM #18193

    $99.00 Select options

    This lamb fleece is an excellent example of the results when everything went right in crossbreeding. It has sheen and length like a Border Leicester, sproing and crimp like a BFL, and a relatively soft hand like a CVM. The white locks are 7+ inches in length, easy to open, and end in curlicue lamb tips.

  • Fleece for Sale

    BFL x Clun Forest #20028

    $58.00$109.00 Select options

    We see a lot of this particular crossbreed, but this fleece is unique in that it looks mostly like a BFL fleece but with tips that are easy to open. The 6″ locks are mostly uniform in structure, and there is some yolk (yellowing) throughout the fleece.

  • Fleece for Sale

    BFL x Clun Forest x Texel #21137

    $32.00$105.00 Select options

    A variation on one of our favorite crossbreeds, this fleece also has Texel lineage. The result is a creamy white, 4-5″ long lock with a medium hand and a bit of energy and sproing.

  • Fleece for Sale

    BFL x Coopworth x Teeswater #722298

    $182.00 Read more

    A rare long wool-only crossbreed of Coopworth, BFL, and Teeswater. Clearly defined, easy to process, 7″ long, curly locks abound in this gray and tan fleece. Sold as a whole fleece weighing 1.7 pounds.

  • Fleece for Sale

    BFL x CVM #1998

    Original price was: $30.00.Current price is: $25.00. Select options

    This is a Blue Faced Leicester crossed with a California Variegated Mutant or BFL x CVM. It is a white fleece with quite a bit of yolk. It would be very interesting if overdyed. This fleece takes its crimp and non-descript lock structure from the CVM and has the hand of a BFL. We would describe it as soft to medium in fineness, excellent for socks. The locks are 4 to 5-inches in length.

  • Fleece for Sale

    CVM x Cotswold x BFL # 20123

    $34.00$112.00 Select options

    This cross of CVM, Cotswold and BFL produced a white fleece with 5 ½-inch locks. The locks have the structure of a BFL. The BFL and the Cotswold contributed length and some sheen. The CVM contributed the softness. This is a lamb fleece with a little tenderness in the tips. A pass through a lockpop or a flicker will remove the tender tips.

  • Fleece for Sale

    CVM x Cotswold x BFL Lamb #20150

    $66.00$125.00 Select options

    A white crossbreed with clearly defined, 4.5″ long locks that taper to a tell-tale lamb curlicue. This fleece exhibits a little bit of all three of its breeds, and the end product is essentially a crimpy BFL with a softer than normal hand.

  • Fleece for Sale

    Imperfect BFL #4117

    $48.00 Add to cart

    Natural-colored BFL with 4″ staple length weighing in at a heavily-skirted 1.8 pounds. This fleece is tender, but the low vegetable matter content makes this an ideal candidate for adding texture and curls in a felting project, as the tenderness will not be apparent if the fleece is not processed.

  • GCF Imperfect

    Imperfect BFL #422116

    $85.00 Add to cart

    A stunning 7″ long BFL that is in our Imperfect category because it is tender throughout most of the fleece. This one is a heartbreaker; a gorgeous, bright white fleece with curls for days but the locks break when you give them a good snap. It will add tons of depth and texture to a felt or art yarn project. Sold as a whole fleece weighing 2.7 pounds.

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