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Estes Park Wool Market, June 6 & 7 @ Estes Park, CO

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  • Fleece for Sale

    BFL x Border Leicester x CVM #18193

    $99.00 Select options

    This lamb fleece is an excellent example of the results when everything went right in crossbreeding. It has sheen and length like a Border Leicester, sproing and crimp like a BFL, and a relatively soft hand like a CVM. The white locks are 7+ inches in length, easy to open, and end in curlicue lamb tips.

  • Fleece for Sale

    Border Leicester #21163

    $14.00$78.00 Select options

    This nice Border Leicester has 7 inch plus locks, dark gray in color with tan tips. Perfect to comb. Or open the locks with a flicker or lock pop and spin from the lock. Can be drum carded if careful while feeding so it does not wrap on the licker in.

  • Fleece for Sale

    Leicester Longwool #22241

    $36.00$63.00 Select options

    This has everything you could want from a Leicester Longwool fleece: length, sheen, and big, easy to process locks. Snow white with 6-7″ long locks, this is a stunner and one of the better examples we have seen of this SE2SE breed. Each purchase of four or more ounces earns a passport sticker.

  • Fleece for Sale

    Leicester X #18189

    $22.00$128.00 Select options

    We’re calling this fleece a “Leicester X” because it is a crossbreed that is predominantly a Leicester Longwool and that it what it resembles. Its curly white locks are 6+ inches in length and will process easily.

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