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Estes Park Wool Market, June 6 & 7 @ Estes Park, CO

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Showing 61–90 of 116 results

  • Fleece for Sale

    Bond #2125

    $40.00$135.00 Select options

    Bond is one of our favorite breeds, and this fleece is no exception to the rule. It is 5″ long, has distinct french-fry style locks, and is bright white.

  • Fleece for Sale

    Romney x Columbia #233

    $31.00$58.00 Select options

    A chocolate and dark brown fleece that is a rather unique crossbreed. The result is 3-4″ long locks that have a soft to medium hand that open and process rather easily. This is a lamb fleece, so the tips are tender in places and will break off in the fiber prep stage.

  • Fleece for Sale

    BFL x Teeswater #232

    $18.00$107.00 Select options

    A longwool crossbreed that has a medium hand and wavy six inch locks. While neither of these breeds is known for being particularly easy to process, we’ve found the tips on this fleece to pop open quite easily.

  • Fleece for Sale

    Border Leicester #21163

    $14.00$78.00 Select options

    This nice Border Leicester has 7 inch plus locks, dark gray in color with tan tips. Perfect to comb. Or open the locks with a flicker or lock pop and spin from the lock. Can be drum carded if careful while feeding so it does not wrap on the licker in.

  • Fleece for Sale

    Romney #22261

    $15.00$81.00 Select options

    The five inch locks of this Romney fleece vary in color from gray-brown at the root to tan at the tips. The variation occurs of the full length of the lock and is uniform throughout the fleece. Typical Romney lock and crimp and luster. We can’t wait to see the beautiful yarn this turns into!

  • Fleece for Sale

    Wensleydale #22172

    $24.00$141.00 Select options

    Wensleydale is one of our favorite breeds to work with and one of the breeders we have known for a number of years has been experimenting with breeding morrit (brown) Wensleydales. We are just now beginning to see the results of their labors and we are quite impressed. Today we are offering a variegated moorit gray fleece. Locks are four inches in length and have a very high luster. Typical Wensleydale crimp. You will not be disappointed with this one.

  • Fleece for Sale

    CVM x Wensleydale #20167

    $38.00$126.00 Select options

    Charocal gray crossbreed with 5.5″ locks. This is one of our favorite crossbreeds, as the result is good length with a soft hand.

  • Fleece for Sale

    CVM x Wensleydale x Lincoln #2140

    $47.00$158.00 Select options

    A 4.5″ crossbreed with lots of sproing and medium to soft hand. We landed on “oatmeal” as a color designation on this fleece, as it is a mottled light gray and tan.

  • Fleece for Sale

    Shropshire #22072

    $41.00$78.00 Select options

    This down breed has springy locks that make it ideal for hard-wearing projects. White, about 3″ in length, with clearly defined locks. Shropshire is a Shave ‘Em to Save ‘Em breed and each order of 4 ounces or more will receive a passport sticker.

  • Fleece for Sale

    Wensleydale #22174

    $39.00$130.00 Select options

    A moorit Wensleydale that ranges from champagne to silvery gray. A half-year clip, the locks are approximately 4 to 4.5″ in length, making this a great fleece for dipping your toes in the Wensleydale waters if you are intimidated by longer length fleece or want a woolen prep and spin.

  • Fleece for Sale

    CVM x Wensleydale #19070

    $24.00$143.00 Select options

    A deliciously soft, 5″ long CVM and Wensleydale crossbreed. The locks have a wavy crimp and are easy to open and process. A gorgeous light silver color with blonde tips.

  • Fleece for Sale

    Bond x Corriedale #22210

    $20.00$119.00 Select options

    This crossbreed is unique in that most producers breed long wools with short wools, or coarse wools to fine ones. This cross, however, is between two our our favorite medium wools. The result is a 3.5″ to 4″ lock with a medium hand and heavy sproing or snap back. The chocolate brown locks end in blonde tips that are easy to open and process.

  • Fleece for Sale

    Rambouillet #22212

    $19.00$114.00 Select options

    Pictures and a description can’t quite do this fleece justice, but we’ll try. Lusciously soft with a variegated tan-gray-cream color, this 3.5″ long Rambouillet has nice crimp and lots of energy.

  • Fleece for Sale

    Wensleydale #22180

    $39.00$131.00 Select options

    If you have talked to either of us about fleece for more than a few minutes, you probably already know that we are suckers for a good Wensledyale, but this one does not take a connoisseur to evalute. At 5 to 6 inches long, with a variety of charcoal and champagne hues, this fleece is a dream.

  • Fleece for Sale

    Shetland x Coopworth #19183

    $29.00$56.00 Select options

    An interesting pairing of breeds that achieved the goal of corssbreeding: this fleece mostly resembles Coopworth, but has a softer than typical hand and locks that are very easy to open. White with 5″ long locks, this should be a breeze to process.

  • Fleece for Sale

    Wensleydale #22171

    $20.00$117.00 Select options

    This fascinating lamb fleece has 8″ long locks that lay in corkscrews. Golden white in color, this fleece might be a little tricky to process with its narrow, twisted locks.

  • Fleece for Sale

    Valais Blacknose #22203

    $29.00$95.00 Select options

    Our first offering of Valais Blacknose is mostly white and blond with a smattering of grays. The tapered locks are mostly about 5″ in length, with some growing out to 7″ long. This is a medium to coarse fleece; not something to be used for a next to skin garment.

  • Fleece for Sale

    Leicester X #18189

    $22.00$128.00 Select options

    We’re calling this fleece a “Leicester X” because it is a crossbreed that is predominantly a Leicester Longwool and that it what it resembles. Its curly white locks are 6+ inches in length and will process easily.

  • Fleece for Sale

    BFL x Border Leicester x CVM #18193

    $99.00 Select options

    This lamb fleece is an excellent example of the results when everything went right in crossbreeding. It has sheen and length like a Border Leicester, sproing and crimp like a BFL, and a relatively soft hand like a CVM. The white locks are 7+ inches in length, easy to open, and end in curlicue lamb tips.

  • Fleece for Sale

    Gotland #22103

    $115.00 Select options

    A 6″ long Gotland with lovely dark gray locks that end in black and brown tips. This is a wonderful example of what a Gotland should look like.

  • Fleece for Sale

    Merino #22028

    $58.00$106.00 Select options

    This silky soft 4″ long Merino comes from one of our favorite Northern California ranches. This fleece was coated and highly skirted, and overall of a very high quality, which is why it was part of the second quarter installment of our Pure club in 2022.

  • Fleece for Sale

    CVM x Cotswold x BFL Lamb #20150

    $66.00$125.00 Select options

    A white crossbreed with clearly defined, 4.5″ long locks that taper to a tell-tale lamb curlicue. This fleece exhibits a little bit of all three of its breeds, and the end product is essentially a crimpy BFL with a softer than normal hand.

  • Fleece for Sale

    Border Leicester #20142

    $23.00$135.00 Select options

    A white Border Leicester fleece with 5″ long, clearly-defined locks. This fleece has a softer hand than most of the Border Leicester that we see.

  • Fleece for Sale

    Border Leicester Lamb #20143

    $75.00 Select options

    A black and brown Border Leicester lamb with uber-curly 5″ locks ending in super-cute lamb tips.

  • Fleece for Sale

    Border Leicester #20144

    $72.00 Select options

    A charcoal gray Border Leicester measuring 4.5″ in length. Distinct, easy to process locks are found throughout this fleece.

  • Fleece for Sale

    Cotswold #2290

    $25.00$81.00 Select options

    Gray Cotswold featuring a variety of shades in indistinct, 4″ long locks. Cotswold is a Shave ‘Em to Save ‘Em breed and each order of 4 ounces or more will receive a passport sticker.

  • Fleece for Sale

    Lincoln #22063

    $34.00$112.00 Select options

    A curly, 5.5″ long Lincoln fleece that might best be called dirty blonde in color. This is a good example of the Lincoln breed, though it is a little shorter than a full year of growth.

  • Fleece for Sale

    Cotswold #2291

    $22.00$72.00 Select options

    A white Cotswold with curly staples from four to six inches in length. This is a Shave ‘Em to Save ‘Em breed and each order of four ounces or more will receive a passport sticker.

  • Fleece for Sale

    Lincoln #22062

    $33.00$108.00 Select options

    A 6″ long Lincoln fleece that doesn’t quite exhibit 50 shades of gray but it comes close. The curly locks are very distinct and should process easily. This is a Shave ‘Em to Save ‘Em breed and each order of 4 ounces or more will receive a passport sticker.

  • Fleece for Sale

    Romney X #22085

    $41.00$136.00 Select options

    A Romney crossbreed of unknown breeding. The 5″ locks and softer-than-Romney hand indicate some Corriedale influence. Black with brown tips, this coated fleece is highly skirted and extremely clean.

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