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Estes Park Wool Market, June 6 & 7 @ Estes Park, CO

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BFL x Teeswater x Corriedale x Lincoln x CVM #22113


This 5-breed cross is the result of a BFL x Teeswater ram and Corriendale x Lincoln x CVM ewe. The 6″ long locks have a medium to soft hand and more energy than one would typically expect from locks that long. The fleece is mostly dark gray and black, with some dark brown right at the tips. The locks are occassionally indistinct, and though the tips open easily, the only thing bad we can say about this fleece is the unique lock structure does seem to trap a small amount of dirt and vegetable right at the tips – though it will clean up easily in the fiber prep stage. Overall, this is a fun and quite a unique fleece.

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Subscriber Exclusive Fleece

Newly released fleece are available exclusively to subscribers for one month. To purchase this fleece, subscribe to one of our fleece subscription clubs, or check back after the 15th of the month to see if it is still available. If you are already subscribed, log in to purchase.


Product Description

Good Clean Fiber is available for purchase from two ounces to whole fleece, and via three quarterly subscription clubs. We add new fleece to the Fleece for Sale page each month. New arrivals are available exclusively to club subscribers for one month.

Our Pure Subscription club delivers four ounces of purebred fleece each quarter and is ideal for the spinner looking to experience a variety of breeds. Our Bliss Subscription club delivers four ounces of fleece each quarter that has been chosen specifically for its hand-spinning qualities. Our Shave ‘Em to Save ‘Em Subscription club delivers four ounces of fleece from a breed on the Livestock Conservancy’s Conservation Priority List, and each installment includes a passport sticker for the SE2SE program. Our Prime Subscription includes early access to new fleece, but no quarterly fleece delivery.

Since we often purchase an entire clip at one time, not all fleece measure up to our lofty standards for Good Clean Fiber. Imperfect Fleece have one or more minor maladies and their pricing reflects that. 

Additional Information

Additional Information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A



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